Piece of Cake Book

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Christy had me laughing at times and just sitting in silent agreement at others. So relatable and validating. It is rare to read anything that makes my heart connect and smile at the same time. Christy proves that JOY is not a result of the absence of trials, but a gift of wisdom and the reality that God is in the middle of it all. What a joy and gift to the soul!
—Kenn Kington, Comedian, Speaker, Author, All round nice guy! 

Like a long conversation with a good friend, Christy welcomes you into her story and speaks directly to your story. Woven with transparency, grace, hope and humor, her story is sometimes hard and heartbreaking but always pushing you toward Jesus who give us abundant life.   
—Heather Gonzales, Vice President & COO, National Association of Evangelicals

Christy is a brilliant storyteller and even more importantly she combines this with profound theological clarity. Her elegant writing move the heart and challenges the will but does so through stimulating the mind with clear and accurate biblical clarity and insight. What a combination, what a great read!
—Graham Daniels, Associate Preacher, St. Andrew the Great, and General Director of Christians in Sport, Cambridge, UK

If Only It Were a Piece of Cake

“Are we done adding children to our family?”

“Why do I feel discontent when I have all I ever wanted?”

“How can I stop my irrational thoughts?”

“Why do I struggle with Mom Guilt all the time?”

“Is it okay to feel angry at God?”

“Why do I feel so sad about this new season of my life?”

“How can I learn to forgive others and myself?”

“How can I stop comparing myself to others?”

Life. If only it were a piece of cake!

Instead, it’s difficult. Even good opportunities can bring struggles. But, just because life is tough doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still live it. And, maybe even find hope and joy amidst the grind.

In If Only It Were a Piece of Cake, Christy Cabe shares openly about her struggles with worry, anxiety, and irrational thoughts, and offers tools and tips that help her deal with them. When guilt, regret, insecurity, and discontentment attack, she’ll show you how she strives to live without them—and how you can too! If you’ve encountered loss, lamenting, and anger,

Christy walks beside you, sharing compassion, faith, and laughter. Then, there are chapters about new seasons, letting go, and moving forward, challenges for us all, but areas where we can grow and adjust.

Perfect for personal application and group discussion, If Only It Were a Piece of Cake invites readers to join Christy as she serves up stories, camaraderie, and slices of hope.

Life. If only it were a piece of cake!

Book Trailer


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