Bible Curriculum


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I have taught 5th grade boys discipleship classes with the Grow for Kids material for many years. There is no better way to reach and teach kids today. This material is relevant and will change the lives of you and your students. It is that good.
-Tom, Grow for Kids Teacher

I have had three children complete the Grow curriculum, and it has been such a valuable experience for each of them. The material not only kept them engaged but also provided effective strategies to help them remember the key people and events of the Bible. Most importantly, they learned how all of the stories from Scripture that they have heard since they were little fit together to tell the complete story of God’s salvation.
Laura, parent

I’ve taught Bible classes with a variety of curricula. Grow for Kids is the best overview of the Bible for children that I’ve ever used…simple and easy to teach, yet always triggering inspiring, meaningful questions and dialogue. The Bible is often approached like a puzzle, one small piece at a time. But too often, even as adults, we only have a few of the pieces. Grow for Kids allows children to see the big picture and helps them approach each “piece” as part of the total picture.
-Marcia, Teacher

Why I wrote Bible Curriculum for Kids

I remember riding in the middle seat of our Toyota Previa as a kid on numerous family trips. My brother and I would often ask our parents to ask us Bible questions and, without fail, Dad would glance at Mom and say with a smirk, “Okay, what color is my Bible?”

“Daaad,” my brother and I would moan together, “Come on!”

And so the trivia began, as well as some of the finest biblical education I’ve received to this day. I believe I learned the Bible from my parents over hours and days spent in a white mini-van.

As I’ve grown up, I have become more and more thankful for the knowledge that was instilled in me about the Bible and its principles. As a ministry major at a Christian college, I was constantly being taught about new leadership theories, ministry principles, and evangelism strategies. I quickly learned that many of the principles I was learning may have been excellent ones, but were worth little if not supported and used within the context of the Bible.

I was very grateful that I had gained an overview of the Word as a child and was now able to place everything I was learning up against it.

I was fortunate. Many of my friends and classmates did not have a biblical foundation upon which to stand. I saw time and time again that so many decisions and questions could be answered by looking at the lives of people in the Bible. I began to develop a great passion for the Word and its principles, and I wanted others to learn it.

I dreamed of someday guiding adults in ways to teach children the Bible so that children in generations to come would not only understand the Word, but would also have a passion to pass this knowledge on to their
own children.

I am a visual learner, so when I went through a discipleship program that my dad had written called, Grow in His Word, I was hooked. Dad’s workbook was full of tools and timelines that helped me see the “big picture” of Scripture. It also gave me important tools for memorization of not only verses, but knowing where events and people were found in the BIble.

If it worked for adults, why not kids too?

During my senior year of college, I adapted my dad’s material for children. Since that time (twenty years ago as I write this!) our church has taken 5th graders through what we call “Jr. Discipleship” using Grow in His Word for Kids.

I’m thrilled to have personally taken over 100 5th graders through this material over the years! I’m also thrilled to share the material with others who wish to teach. My dream of helping adults have a way to teach children an overview of the Bible has come true. I’m so thankful!

If you’re interested in learning more about Grow in His Word click here to visit the website:

Materials for both adult and kids are available.

If you’d like to see some samples lessons from Grow for Kids, click the links below.

Sample Lesson #1 Old Testament

Sample Lesson #2 New Testament

Sample Lesson-OT Leader’s Guide

Sample Lesson NT Leader’s Guide